By: Meghan Trupiano, MBA, CMP

INS 2024 was a tremendous success! Kansas City offered a delightful setting, with attendees enthusiastically exploring its unique BBQ spots and catching Kansas City Royals baseball games. Beyond the city’s attractions, the conference excelled in educational value. INS 2024 had over 80 speakers from six countries, including Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Switzerland, and The United States. The meeting included various educational topics, including three tracks: Vascular Access Device, Alternative Care Setting, and Back-to-Basics.

The 543 infusion professionals were vibrant, engaging, and highly knowledgeable. Over three days, 57 exhibiting companies showcased their latest products while actively networking in the exhibition hall with conference attendees.

Our sponsors supported additional educational programs, which were an intricate part of the program this year. They provided hands-on training, preconference workshops, general session symposia, and partner presentations.

INS 2024 offered an unprecedented amount of hands-on training. The Preconference workshops on Friday, May 17, and simulation Labs within the exhibition allowed participants to utilize industry products and connect directly with the facilitators for real-time questions.

We want to thank the following companies for their continued support of INS meetings: BD, ICU Medical, KabaFusion, Nursing Service Organization (NSO), Pharmacosmos, Solventum, Takeda Pharmaceuticals, and UCB.

New this year! INS provided an opportunity to hear from your peers! On Sunday afternoon, meeting attendees could showcase their efforts in advancing safety and excellence in infusion therapy across different healthcare settings. These unique sessions highlighted the innovative projects and best practices INS members implement to enhance patient care.

INS would not have been successful without the contributions of its volunteer committees. Each day, these volunteers spent time in the INS Booth, sharing information on how to participate in INS leadership. We celebrated these volunteers on Saturday evening at the new Leadership Appreciation Reception. Our volunteer committees include the INS Board of Directors, National Council on Education (NCOE), DEI Committee, Standards of Practice Committee, INCC Board of Directors, and more. We encourage INS members to scan the QR code and learn more about volunteering with the organization.

We thank the Social Media Ambassadors for helping us capture this memorable week. These Ambassadors play a crucial role in establishing a solid online presence for INS 2024. This presence caters to those attending the conference in Kansas City and those unable to participate in person.

At INS, we understand how difficult travel can be, which is why we provide the Virtual Conference, which live streams two full days of education to a remote audience of over 200 people. These sessions are still available on demand, so sign up today and enjoy at your leisure!

INS is heading to Sin City for INS 2025! Save The Date and look for registration to open in December 2024.

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