A “chicken mentality” is when your thoughts are confined to what’s happening right in front of you, focused solely on problems, and feeling trapped by the lack of solutions. It’s like scratching at the dirt, never looking up to see the sky’s limitless potential. But what if you could elevate not only your mindset but also your team’s? What if you could create eagles instead of chickens in your workplace?

Every Monday when I walk into work, I lead a team meeting to set the tone for the week. Often, before I even get my first cup of coffee, I encounter a co-worker already grumbling about it being Monday. My response? “Yes, it’s Monday—the first opportunity this week to make a difference.” This usually earns me an eyebrow raise, but it also sparks a shift in perspective.

You see, much like a weather forecast prepares people for rain, a well-set workplace forecast prepares your team for success. When you set clear goals at the start of the day, whether it’s hitting a target for collections or keeping patient check-ins within a 20-minute window, you give your team a vision. You empower them with a roadmap that shows them where they’re headed.

Will challenges arise? Absolutely. Will the “chicken mentality” creep in, tempting people to fixate on the problem rather than seek solutions? It might. But you need to keep reminding your team of the goals, like the forecast that comes on the news every day. As a leader, it’s your job to provide continual encouragement and guidance. Show them you’re at the finish line, waving that victory flag, motivating them to keep pushing.

When you prepare for challenges, you’re not just bracing for impact, you’re equipping your team to rise above them. Why carry a spare tire if, when you get a flat, you just sit there and complain? Fix it, and move forward. There are no perfect bosses, no perfect employees, and no perfect workdays. But you can choose to adopt the mentality of an eagle, soaring above the obstacles instead of pecking at the problems.

As a manager, I challenge you to shift your mindset about Mondays. See each one as a fresh opportunity to serve, inspire, and lead your team toward solutions. You never know who’s watching you—who you’re motivating to step up, or inadvertently tearing down. 

Remember, we’re health care providers. Our mission should always be focused on solutions, not just the problems. You are the spare tire to your own challenges. Don’t hesitate to use the tools you have to get your team further down the road.

Now, go out and create eagles in your workplace. Your team—and your future—depend on it.

Danielle Jenkins, a Registered Nurse in Nursing Administration, is an entrepreneur and a source of inspiration. Her mission is to empower others in the health care field to embrace their potential and step boldly into leadership. She reminds us, “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from taking chances. Life is meant to be lived.” 

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