The Benefits of Becoming CRNI® Certified

The Benefits of Becoming CRNI® Certified

In the ever-evolving field of nursing, specialized certifications can significantly enhance both professional credibility and patient care. One such certification is the Certified Registered Nurse Infusion (CRNI®). Following are several compelling reasons why pursuing...

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Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

It is probably a safe bet that most of us hear these 3 words and can’t believe that yet another year has passed. It is also probably a safe bet that most of us will spend time either looking back at what we did or did not accomplish or looking forward to improving on...

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INS Seal of Approval Program

INS Seal of Approval Program

Often in business, when attempting to develop a solution to a problem, we are faced with a theory versus reality situation. Theory is often defined as how things should be, whilereality is viewed as how things really are. In most cases, the theory is viewed positively...

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INS goes to AVA 2024

INS goes to AVA 2024

INS has been stretching its legs this year by exhibiting at more of its partners' conferences. This has been a rewarding experience, not only through continued collaboration, but also exposing our association to more infusion professionals. A brief recap of this year,...

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About INS

The Infusion Nurses Society (INS) is an international nonprofit organization representing infusion nurses and other clinicians  who are engaged in the specialty practice of infusion therapy.

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Contact Us

One Edgewater Drive | Suite 209
Norwood, MA 02062

Phone: (781) 440-9408
Fax: (781) 440-9409

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