Exam Score and Data

The minimum passing score required to pass the CRNI® Examination is established by the Angoff method, a criterion-referenced methodology in which expert judges estimate the passing probability of each question on the examination. These ratings are averaged for a “base form” of the examination to determine the minimum passing score (i.e., the number of correctly answered questions required to pass the examination), to ensure that those who pass have demonstrated the expertise deserving of the credential. Since different forms of the examination will be developed, the level of expertise required to pass is preserved through pre-equating. This procedure involves evaluating the performance characteristics of items on a new form, specifically the difficulty and discrimination indexes to determine the passing point on the new form that best represents the same amount of knowledge as was required to pass the base form. Because the new forms can vary somewhat in difficulty, the passing point may be slightly higher or lower than that of the base form.

Score Reports

  • After completing the exam, candidates are asked to complete a short evaluation of their testing experience.
  • Candidates then are instructed to report to the testing supervisor to receive their score report.
  • You may also access your score report through PSI at https://test-takers.psiexams.com/incc.
  • International candidates will receive their official score reports by postal mail after the exam.
  • Your score report will indicate a pass or fail.
  • Additional detail is provided in the form of raw scores by major content category.
  • A raw score is the number of questions you answered correctly.
  • Your pass-fail status is determined by your raw score.

For help accessing the online score report:

1. Log in to https://test-takers.psiexams.com/incc
2. Select the Tests tab and find your test
3. Once you’ve found your test, log into your account

For further information about score reports and retaking the exam, please refer to the CRNI® Handbook. For more information on applicant appeals, policies and disciplinary policy visit the CRNI® Applicant Appeals Process Page.

Delayed Scoring for September 2025 Exam takers

Before your results can be released, subject matter experts will review the statistical performance or each question, as well as all candidate comments made. This important quality assurance process helps to ensure that each examination is scored accurately and appropriately. Your scores will be sent to you upon completion of this process which is estimated to take 6-8 weeks.

CRNI® Exam Statistics

Total CRNI®s – 2,378

YearNumber of Exam CandidatesNumber of Exam Passers
Pass Rate

Recertification Statistics

YearCRNI® Due to ExpireRecertifying CRNI®
Recertifying Rate

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The Infusion Nurses Society (INS) is an international nonprofit organization representing infusion nurses and other clinicians  who are engaged in the specialty practice of infusion therapy.

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Norwood, MA 02062

Phone: (781) 440-9408
Fax: (781) 440-9409
Email: ins@ins1.org

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